Sunday, July 14, 2019

If love turns lonely. let it go.

How much pain do you have to tolerate until it is okay to give up?

They said the one who leave first in a relationship, is the cruel one without knowing the one who got left behind was too toxic to be kept around.

let the hardest part, be the moment you walk away and find someone easier to love.

― What If (2013)“I’m not sure. About anything.”

Whether it's you or him, people tend to ask who leaves first.

And they swallow the deeper questions of what makes that person leave.

― Our Little Sister (2015)
Suzu: Is it all right for me to be here? I always thought someone’s always hurting just because I exist. Sometimes…it becomes unbearable.

For those who are holding on to the last shred of hope — maybe it's time for you to question your tears and worth.

It's time someone tells your that 

It is okay to give up.

You are allowed to leave.

Some people does not deserve an explanation as to why you choose to do what you did.

― Mauvais sang (1986)
Anna: If you stopped loving me…would you be brave enough to tell me?

There was a time that human made you happier than you were before his existence. Take a second to look at your faded smile in the mirror and ask  would it be fair for your future self to hold on to that limited level of happiness out of appreciation

when right now at the present  the same person kills the soul out of your eyes.

When being besides him makes you mind wonder if he's actually there.

If love turns lonely. let it go.

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